If you find good insights in the materials here, please do not hesitate to reach out. Our passion is helping clients build and implement effective strategies suited to their specific needs. That being the case, the work we do is very much a bespoke process; what is a great fit for one will not uniformly be optimized for another.
Benefits and open enrollment: 5 tips
Navigating the waters of health insurance plans, flexible spending accounts (FSA), and deductibles can be confusing and present tough choices. Sure, your employer gives you a helpful booklet, the benefit options seem pretty straightforward, and you usually have a few weeks to submit your elections.
Nevertheless, here are some tips to keep in mind…
Tip 1: Open the benefits packet, read the packet
Tip 2: Measure your needs
Tip 3: Explore a flexible spending account
Tip 4: Think strategically with a health savings account
Tip 5: Use wellness benefits
Types of trusts and what they are used for
You might associate trusts with the ultrawealthy, or with young adults who don’t have to work. But trusts have benefits for a far wider swath of the socioeconomic spectrum — a swath that likely includes you.
“Not knowing how trusts work or what they’re used for, other than passing down assets to children, can keep people from setting one up,” said Michele Collins, director of advanced sales at MassMutual’s Boston office. “So can being afraid of the cost as well as being uncomfortable planning for death, which is when trust discussions often come up.”
Here’s a rundown of the most common types of trusts and their purpose.
How life insurance provides 3 distinct tax benefits
Whole life insurance offers an income tax-free death benefit as well as deferred cash value growth.
Succession planning for your business
It may be hard to imagine right now, but when you think about it, odds are that the business you’ve worked so hard to create will be owned by someone else in the future.
Eventually, you will either give up the helm voluntarily before or when you retire, or involuntarily as the result of an unexpected event.