
If you find good insights in the materials here, please do not hesitate to reach out. Our passion is helping clients build and implement effective strategies suited to their specific needs. That being the case, the work we do is very much a bespoke process; what is a great fit for one will not uniformly be optimized for another.

Estate Planning, Tax Strategy Jeff Albin Estate Planning, Tax Strategy Jeff Albin

Plan now? The estate planning 2026 question mark

Right now, if your estate is worth less than roughly $13 million (about $26 million for a married couple), you don’t have to worry about your heirs paying a federal estate tax. But that’s likely to change. The sunset of the current estate and income tax regime is far from certain. Still, given the breadth of the potential changes, it may make sense to plan for the possibilities.

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Types of trusts and what they are used for

You might associate trusts with the ultrawealthy, or with young adults who don’t have to work. But trusts have benefits for a far wider swath of the socioeconomic spectrum — a swath that likely includes you.

“Not knowing how trusts work or what they’re used for, other than passing down assets to children, can keep people from setting one up,” said Michele Collins, director of advanced sales at MassMutual’s Boston office. “So can being afraid of the cost as well as being uncomfortable planning for death, which is when trust discussions often come up.”

Here’s a rundown of the most common types of trusts and their purpose.

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Business owners: Check your buy-sell agreement

The Supreme Court recently ruled that life insurance proceeds received by a corporation to cover the repurchase of the deceased shareholder’s stock interest must be included in the value of the corporation for federal estate tax purposes. Those proceeds are not offset by the corporation’s obligation to repurchase the deceased shareholder’s stock.

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Are you a ‘business first’ family?

Issues arise when business owners don’t face the fact that one day they won’t be around to run their business. While many owners have their children’s best interests in mind, their intentions and visions don’t always necessarily align with the reality as seen through the next generation’s eyes. A lot of it has to do with transparency, reasonableness, communication, and a willingness to compromise for the future success of the business and the continued harmony in the family.

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Tax Strategy Jeff Albin Tax Strategy Jeff Albin

Top tax changes for 2024

This article will illustrate how standard deduction and marginal tax bracket changes might affect your income, tell you how to maximize your retirement savings in 2024 and show how some proactive tax planning can help you save more money.

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SECURE retirements now a reality for businesses

Start spreading the news: millions of small businesses and their workers now have a new opportunity for a more secure retirement.

Congress has made retirement savings history with passage of the Setting Every Community Up for Retirement Enhancement (SECURE) Act as part of the government appropriations bill for fiscal 2020. President Donald Trump signed the bill on Dec. 20, 2019, clearing the way for the most impactful retirement legislation in decades.

Passage of the SECURE Act provides millions of small businesses several advantages:

  • The ability to band together to offer retirement plans (PEP 401k Plans)

  • Increased lifetime income offerings

  • New enrollment and tax changes to boost worker savings

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