If you find good insights in the materials here, please do not hesitate to reach out. Our passion is helping clients build and implement effective strategies suited to their specific needs. That being the case, the work we do is very much a bespoke process; what is a great fit for one will not uniformly be optimized for another.
Business owners: Check your buy-sell agreement
The Supreme Court recently ruled that life insurance proceeds received by a corporation to cover the repurchase of the deceased shareholder’s stock interest must be included in the value of the corporation for federal estate tax purposes. Those proceeds are not offset by the corporation’s obligation to repurchase the deceased shareholder’s stock.
Are you a ‘business first’ family?
Issues arise when business owners don’t face the fact that one day they won’t be around to run their business. While many owners have their children’s best interests in mind, their intentions and visions don’t always necessarily align with the reality as seen through the next generation’s eyes. A lot of it has to do with transparency, reasonableness, communication, and a willingness to compromise for the future success of the business and the continued harmony in the family.
Life insurance as business loan collateral
Businesses go through several stages. When they reach the growth stage, they may require additional financing above and beyond what the owner has saved or what friends and family can offer. These improvements may include increasing inventory, retooling existing or purchasing new equipment, expanding the building, or developing a new market.
In fact, a recent Forbes Advisor survey sought to identify how business owners used funds from their business loans. The most common use of the funds was for business expansion, with 42 percent selecting this option. Equipment purchases came in second, cited by 29 percent of respondents, followed closely by marketing and advertising, business franchising, and commercial real estate purchases/remodeling.
Emerging trends in 2024
In today's dynamic landscape, several emerging trends are shaping the way businesses operate and make strategic decisions. These factors have far-reaching drivers and related implications, influencing everything from financial management to talent development.
Succession planning for your business
It may be hard to imagine right now, but when you think about it, odds are that the business you’ve worked so hard to create will be owned by someone else in the future.
Eventually, you will either give up the helm voluntarily before or when you retire, or involuntarily as the result of an unexpected event.
Section 162 executive plans: The bonus that keeps on giving
A Section 162 executive bonus plan is a way to attract, reward, and retain key employees using life insurance.
A strong team: At the intersection of strategy & tactics
As a business matures, it may need more leaders than followers.
The right business successor: Key to retirement
If you’re a business owner and you are thinking about retirement, then you need to start thinking about succession planning. It’s critical to the best interests of your family and your finances. It’s also critical to the success of your successor